
63 stunning item icons measuring 250x250 in size, featuring beautifully hand-drawn foods.
153 stunning item icons measuring 250x250 in size, featuring beautifully hand-drawn foods.
46 stunning item icons measuring 250x250 in size, featuring beautifully hand-drawn foods.
336 stunning item icons measuring 250x250 in size, featuring beautifully hand-drawn tools.
288 stunning item icons measuring 250x250 in size, featuring beautifully hand-drawn bows.
a short visual novel-like game, with some adventure and combat elements.
Visual Novel
Play in browser


Caz Shrine

Caz is honestly the best, hardworking and extremely skilled and a heart of Gold to top it off! Please pay a visit and check out her goods!! This shit is fire! ๐Ÿค™

Oshie's Fantastic Boutique!~

This guy is a multitalented angel. Check out his wares and be fully confident that your funds will go to a great guy.